- Address: Lot 20, Zone G, Road D1, An Ha Industrial Park, Pham Van Hai, Binh Chanh, HCMC
- Phone: (84-28) 668.36156 / 668.36158
- Hotline: 1800.9435
- Fax: (84-28) 3620.4694
- Email: vibo@vibo.com.vn
- Website https://vibo.com.vn/
- White spots in the internal organs disease of fingerling catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) caused by Edwarsiella ictaluri.
Figure 1: Edwardsiella ictalurid bacteria
Figure 2: Bacteria that cause disease after Gram staining
Figure 3: Appearance of diseased catfish Figure 4: Internal appearance of diseased catfish
- Fish are lethargic, somber disorientation, white, red head, reddened, bleeding under the skin, fins, anus. (Picture 3)
- Intrinsic bleeding, red, dark swelling. Liver, kidneys, and depending on organs appear a lot of tiny white pus spots. (Picture 4)
- The disease appears mostly in the rearing stages with strong outbreaks in the rainy season, cold weather, low oxygen content (June-December).
- Improve pond water environment:
+ Periodically, water desinfection with GLUMAX (1L/4,000 - 5,000m3 of water).
+ Adding micro-organisms with VB-EM (5L/3,000m3 water) improves water quality and compete with pathogenic bacteria.
- Increasing resistance for fingerling catfish:
+ Prevention of internal and external parasites, VB-PRAZI_concentrated (1Kg/20-25 tons of fish).
+ Periodically supplement, BIO-X_pro + VB12_pro (1Kg/L/10-15 tons of fish) to support digestion, enhance liver and kidney function.
- Case 1: Fingerling catfish just have white spots in the internal organs disease
+ Cut feed, do not change water and use BIO-POND_pro to degassing toxic gases, stabilize the water environment.
+ Use GLUMAX to disinfect pond water.
+ Reduce the amount of feed (about 50%) and combine using VB-RIDO_super + VB-GENTA_concentrated to mix with fish feed.
- Case 2: Fish superinfected with tail rot disease (Flavobacterium columnare bacteria)
+ Do not change water, use BIO-POND_pro (8 am) to stabilize the pH, absorb toxic gases, and deposit heavy metals.
+ Use PRONAZOL (10 am) to kill bacteria and fungi in water.
+ Reduce the amount of feed (50%) and combine treated with VB-RIDO_super + VB-ANTIDIA_concentrated.
- Case 3: Fish superinfected with an external parasitic disease.
+ Using BIO-POND_pro to absorb toxic gases, suspended substances, clean the pond water environment.
+ Use DE AGA (10 am) to kill bacteria, parasites.
+ Reduce the amount of feed (50%) and treated with VB-PRAZI_concentrated (2 days) + VB-RIDO_super + VB-GENTA_concentrated.
* Note: In case of fish liver is weak - white liver, inflamed kidneys, it is necessary to combine BETA-50 new product to support liver and kidney recovery for fish.